Our compound product Mix 772 is an indispensable ingredient in the food industry, particularly in the production of meat products. This article explores the features, benefits, and quality parameters of Mix 772, shedding light on its unique properties and why it is a preferred choice for many.

Mix 772 is primarily composed of two essential compounds: E450 and E451. These compounds play a crucial role in enhancing the overall quality of meat products, making them visually appealing while ensuring emulsion stabilization, pH stabilization, and water retention capacity.

One of the key applications of Mix 772 is to develop the attractive color of meat products. Its inclusion in the production of emulsified and minced meat products such as sausages, boiled sausages, rolls, and pates helps stabilize the emulsion, resulting in a consistent and appealing appearance. This contributes significantly to the visual appeal of these meat products, making them more enticing to consumers.

In addition to enhancing color and appearance, Mix 772 also offers several significant advantages. One of its notable benefits lies in its ability to stabilize emulsions. This means that when Mix 772 is used in the production process, it helps maintain a consistent texture and prevents the separation of fats and liquids in the meat product. This stabilization property results in a more uniform and enjoyable eating experience for consumers.

Furthermore, Mix 772 aids in pH stabilization. Maintaining the correct pH level in meat products is crucial for preserving their freshness and preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria. By incorporating Mix 772, meat producers can ensure that their products maintain optimal pH levels throughout their shelf life, increasing their safety and extending their freshness.

Another key advantage offered by Mix 772 is its water retention capacity. This means that it helps meat products retain moisture, preventing them from becoming dry and maintaining their succulence. Consumers can enjoy juicier and more flavorful meat products, thanks to Mix 772’s ability to retain water content.

The composition of Mix 772 also contributes to its versatility. E450, also known as potassium pyrophosphate, is a widely used compound in the food industry. It acts as a pH buffer, preventing drastic pH changes during processing and storage. This helps preserve the natural flavor and texture of meat products, ensuring a high-quality end product.

E451, known as sodium tripolyphosphate, is another important compound present in Mix 772. It serves as a water-holding agent, enabling meat products to retain their moisture and succulence even after cooking. This added moisture retention ability results in improved juiciness, tenderness, and overall eating experience for consumers.

The benefits of Mix 772 extend beyond the sensory aspects of meat products. By stabilizing emulsions and preventing fat separation, it also contributes to the extended shelf life of these products. This reduces food waste and provides cost-effective solutions for meat producers.

Mix 772 is also valued for its ease of incorporation into meat products. Its compatibility with other ingredients and ease of handling make it a preferred choice for manufacturers. Whether used in large-scale meat production or in smaller artisanal operations, Mix 772 provides consistency and reliability.

Moreover, Mix 772 undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its compliance with safety regulations and quality standards. As a result, it meets the maximum allowable concentrations for heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, iron, cadmium, and mercury. These strict controls ensure that Mix 772 is safe for consumption and does not pose any health risks.

Quality control parameters for Mix 772 include the content of P2O5, pH level, and the maximum concentrations of various heavy metals. The content of P2O5, which represents the presence of phosphorus, ranges from 57% to 60%. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient in the human diet, necessary for various physiological processes. With the inclusion of Mix 772 in meat products, consumers can benefit from this additional source of phosphorus in their diet.

The pH value of Mix 772 ranges from 7 to 7.6. This pH range ensures compatibility with meat products while maintaining their natural taste and texture. It allows for optimal enzyme activity, contributing to the desired quality attributes of the final product.

Furthermore, Mix 772 adheres to strict quality controls that limit the presence of heavy metals. The maximum allowable concentrations are 10.0 ppm for heavy metals, 2.0 ppm for arsenic, 1.0 ppm for lead, 10.0 ppm for iron, 1.0 ppm for cadmium, and 0.1 ppm for mercury. These stringent limits guarantee the safety and purity of Mix 772, ensuring that the meat products it is used in are of the highest quality.

Mix 772 is manufactured using advanced processes and cutting-edge technology. As a result, it ensures a consistent and reliable product quality, making it a trusted choice for meat producers around the world.

The versatility and effectiveness of Mix 772 have made it a preferred choice not only in the meat industry but also in various food applications. From processed meats to convenience foods and even bakery products, Mix 772 continues to enhance the quality, texture, and shelf life of numerous food items.

As consumer preferences continue to evolve, Mix 772 offers food manufacturers a reliable solution to meet these demands. Whether it’s improving the appearance, taste, or overall quality of their products, Mix 772 has proven to be an invaluable tool in their arsenal.

In conclusion, Mix 772, with its composite of E450 and E451 compounds, is an essential food additive for enhancing meat products. From improving color and stability to enhancing water retention and shelf life, Mix 772 offers immense benefits to meat producers and consumers alike. With its commitment to quality and safety, Mix772 has become synonymous with excellence in the food industry.