The term ‘magnesium phosphate’ might sound like something out of a chemistry textbook, but it’s actually quite simple. This versatile compound, categorized into three distinct forms(E343i, E343ii, and E343iii), offers a multitude of benefits in various food applications. In this blog, we will delve into the properties of each type, discuss the diverse uses of magnesium phosphate in food, explore its applications in the food industry, and address its safety for consumption.

Let’s explore them according to the order below:

  • What is the Magnesium Phosphate in Food?
  • What is Magnesium Phosphate in FoodUsed For?
  • Is Magnesium Phosphate only Found in Food?
  • Is Magnesium Phosphate Safe to Eat?

Let’s start with the basic properties of magnesium phosphate.

What is the Magnesium Phosphate in Food?

Magnesium phosphate in food refers to the use of various forms of magnesium phosphate compounds as food additives. Magnesium phosphate is a compound that consists of magnesium cations (Mg2+) and phosphate anions (PO43-). These compounds are typically added to food products for their functional properties and nutritional benefits. Magnesium phosphate comes in three distinct forms, each with its own set of properties. They are:

E343i: Monomagnesium Phosphate

E343ii: Dimagnesium Phosphate

E343iii: Trimagnesium Phosphate

View the properties below:

ProductsMonomagnesium PhosphateDimagnesium PhosphateTrimagnesium Phosphate
EC No.E343 (i)E343 (ii)E343 (iii)
pH (1% solution)Acidic4.5-5.5Alkaline 8.0-9.0Basic10.0-11.0
SolubilitySlightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcoholSlightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcoholSlightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol
SynonymsMonobasic Magnesium Phosphate, Magnesium Dihydrogen PhosphateMagnesium Hydrogen PhosphateMagnesium Phosphate Tribasic
CAS No.13092-66-57757-86-07757-87-1
Moss Weight120.28 g/mol120.93 g/mol262.86 g/mol
AppearanceWhite crystalline solidWhite crystalline solidWhite crystalline solid
Density2.22 to 2.34 g/cm³2.45 to 2.51 g/cm³2.195 to 2.22 g/cm³

What is Magnesium Phosphate in Food Used For?

Magnesium phosphate finds extensive usage in the food industry, contributing to various aspects of food production. Here are some key applications:

E343i: Monomagnesium Phosphate

pH Buffer: Monomagnesium phosphate acts as a pH buffer by maintaining the acidity or alkalinity of food products within a specific range. It helps stabilize the pH by reacting with excess acid or base, preventing drastic pH changes that can affect the taste, texture, and overall stability of the product.

Emulsifier: Monomagnesium phosphate is an emulsifying agent that helps create and stabilize emulsions in food systems. It possesses both hydrophilic (water-loving) and hydrophobic (fat-loving) properties. This allows it to interact with both water and oil components, reducing surface tension and enabling the formation and maintenance of stable emulsions.

Stabilizer: As a stabilizer, monomagnesium phosphate helps improve the texture and shelf life of food products. It provides structure and consistency by interacting with proteins and other food components, enhancing viscosity, preventing phase separation, and reducing syneresis (the release of liquid).


  • It is commonly used in carbonated beverages to regulate acidity and provide a tart flavor.
  • Act as a stabilizer in dairy products, preventing phase separation and maintaining a consistent texture.
  • It is utilized in processed meat products, such as sausages and deli meats, to enhance water-binding properties, improve texture, and prevent syneresis.
  • Monomagnesium phosphate is also found in bakery products like bread and cakes, where it helps regulate pH and improve dough strength and structure.

E343ii: Dimagnesium Phosphate

Acidity Regulator: Dimagnesium phosphate is used as an acidity regulator to control the pH levels of food products. It can both increase and decrease acidity, depending on the specific application. By regulating the pH, it helps maintain the desired taste, texture, and shelf life of the food product.

Anti-Caking Agent: Dimagnesium phosphate serves as an anti-caking agent in powdered food products. It prevents the formation of lumps or clumps by absorbing moisture and reducing the stickiness of particles. By keeping the particles separate, it ensures that the powdered product remains free-flowing and easy to measure or dispense.

Stabilizer: Dimagnesium phosphate contributes to the stability of food products by interacting with water, proteins, and other components. It helps prevent the separation of ingredients, maintain texture and consistency, and improve overall product quality.


  • It is used as an acidity regulator in canned fruits and vegetables, ensuring optimal pH levels for preservation and flavor retention.
  • Functioning as an anti-caking agent in powdered products like instant soups, seasonings, and powdered milk, preventing clumping and ensuring easy pouring.
  • It is commonly used in cheese manufacturing to regulate acidity, improve meltability, and enhance the texture and firmness of the final product.
  • It finds application in dairy-based desserts and puddings, where it helps stabilize the texture and prevent syneresis.

E343iii: Trimagnesium Phosphate

magnesium phosphate in foodNutrient Supplement: Trimagnesium phosphate acts as a source of essential minerals, specifically magnesium, and phosphate. These minerals are vital for various biological processes in the human body, including bone health, energy metabolism, muscle function, and more. By incorporating trimagnesium phosphate into food products, manufacturers can fortify them with these essential nutrients, contributing to the nutritional value and overall health benefits of the food.


  • Trimagnesium phosphate is often used in fortified breakfast cereals to increase their nutritional value, providing essential minerals for a balanced diet.
  • It is incorporated into nutritional beverages and protein shakes to enhance their mineral content and provide electrolytes for replenishment.
  • It finds application in infant formula, where it helps meet the nutritional needs of growing infants and supports healthy bone development.
  • It is utilized in dietary supplements targeted toward individuals with magnesium or phosphate deficiencies, promoting overall health and well-being.

Is Magnesium Phosphate only Found in Food?

Magnesium phosphate extends its utility beyond the food industry and finds applications in various sectors. Let’s take a look:

Pharmaceutical Industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, magnesium phosphate serves as an excipient—an inert substance that carries active ingredients. It aids in the formulation of tablets and capsules, ensuring proper binding, stability, and controlled release of medications.

Agriculture and Horticulture

Magnesium phosphate acts as a fertilizer supplement, providing essential nutrients to crops and enhancing their growth in agriculture and horticulture. It contributes to healthy soil conditions and supports optimal plant development. Additionally, it finds use in hydroponic systems for soilless cultivation.

Water Treatment

Magnesium phosphate plays a role in water treatment processes due to its ability to precipitate and remove heavy metal ions. It assists in purifying and clarifying water, reducing contaminants, and ensuring the safety and quality of drinking water sources.

Is Magnesium Phosphate Safe to Eat?

Yes, magnesium phosphate(E343i, ii, iii) in food is considered safe for consumption when used in accordance with approved regulations and within specified limits. As a food additive, it undergoes thorough safety evaluations by regulatory authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Overall, magnesium phosphate is a versatile ingredient that plays a vital role in the food industry. With its unique properties and diverse applications, it enhances the quality, stability, and nutritional value of food products. From pH regulation and emulsification to anti-caking and nutrient preservation, magnesium phosphate offers a range of functionalities that contribute to the success of various formulations. Embrace the possibilities of magnesium phosphate and unlock new avenues for innovation in your business opportunities.

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