Food additives play a crucial role in food processing. Among these additives, magnesium ethanoate is gaining popularity due to its diverse functionalities. In this blog, we will explore the functions, benefits, and applications of magnesium ethanoate.

What is Magnesium Ethanoate?

Magnesium ethanoate or magnesium acetate is a chemical compound with the formula Mg(CH3COO)2. It is derived from the reaction between magnesium hydroxide and acetic acid. The resulting compound is a white, odorless powder with a slightly salty taste. Magnesium ethanoate is water-soluble, making it suitable for various food applications.

Chemical FormulaMg(CH3COO)2
CAS No.142-72-3
Molecular WeightApproximately 142.39 g/mol
AppearanceWhite, Odorless Crystalline Powder/Granules
SolubilitySoluble in Water and Organic Solvents
Melting Point142°C
Density1.45 g/cm³
Purity> 99%
StabilityRelatively Stable
HygroscopicityExhibits Hygroscopic Properties

What is Magnesium Ethanoate Used For?

Food Additive and Preservative

Magnesium ethanoate is widely used as a food additive and preservative. Its antimicrobial properties help extend the shelf life of perishable food products, reducing the risk of spoilage. By inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi, it maintains the freshness and quality of foods, making it an ideal choice for manufacturers looking to ensure their products reach consumers in optimal condition.


Another significant aspect of magnesium ethanoate is its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants play a vital role in protecting food products from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. By preventing the oxidation of fats and oils, magnesium ethanoate helps maintain the nutritional value of foods and prolong their stability.

Flavor Enhancer

Magnesium ethanoate acts as a flavor enhancer in various food items. It can accentuate existing flavors, resulting in a more appealing taste profile. This property is particularly valuable in processed foods, where preserving natural flavors can be challenging. The use of magnesium ethanoate allows manufacturers to create products with consistent and enjoyable taste experiences.

Texture Improver

In addition to enhancing flavors, magnesium ethanoate contributes to improving the texture of food products. It can act as a texture stabilizer in processed meats, preventing undesirable changes in consistency during storage and cooking. This benefit extends to other food categories, such as dairy and bakery products, where maintaining the desired texture is crucial for consumer satisfaction.

What Foods is Magnesium Ethanoate Used in?


magnesium ethanoateMagnesium ethanoate is utilized in the beverage industry to enhance the taste and stability of various drinks. It is commonly found in sports drinks, energy drinks, and fortified waters.

Bakery Products

In the bakery sector, magnesium ethanoate is used to improve the texture and shelf life of bread, cakes, and pastries. It helps maintain moisture levels and prevents staleness.

Dairy Products

Dairy manufacturers use magnesium ethanoate to enhance the texture and creaminess of products such as yogurt and ice cream. It also contributes to the stabilization of dairy-based sauces and dressings.

Processed Meats

In processed meats, magnesium ethanoate serves as a preservative and flavor enhancer. It prevents bacterial growth and helps retain the natural juiciness of the meat.

In conclusion, magnesium ethanoate plays a vital role in the food industry as a multifunctional food additive. Obtaining this amazing food additive now through [email protected]. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.