disodium hydrogen citrate in drinkCarbonated drinks, also known as sodas or soft drinks, have been a favorite among people of all ages for centuries. From classic colas to refreshing fruit flavors, these effervescent beverages tantalize our taste buds with their fizz and flavor. But have you ever wondered how carbonated drinks achieve that perfect balance of tanginess and sweetness? The answer lies in the magic of food science, and at the heart of it is an unsung hero – Disodium Citrate. In this blog post, we will explore the role of Disodium Citrate in carbonated drinks and how it unlocks the key to their delightful taste.

Understanding Disodium Hydrogen Citrate

Disodium Hydrogen Citrate, often referred to as sodium citrate, is a white, odorless powder derived from citric acid. It is a food additive commonly used as an acidity regulator, preservative, and flavor enhancer. This versatile compound has a wide range of applications in the food and beverage industry, with carbonated drinks being one of its prominent uses.

Let us have a better understanding of disodium citrate through the following product specifications:

Product NameDisodium Hydrogen Citrate
Chemical FormulaC6H6O7Na2
EC NumberE331(ii)
CAS Number144-33-2
Molecular Weight294.10 g/mol
AppearanceWhite to off-white powder
SolubilityFreely soluble in water
TasteSlightly acidic
pH (1% Solution)3.5 - 4.5
Melting PointDecomposes at high temperature

What is the mechanism of action of disodium hydrogen citrate?

The mechanism of action of disodium hydrogen citrate in carbonated beverages involves its role as an acidity regulator and a buffering agent. Carbonated beverages are known for their fizziness and tangy taste, which is a result of the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas dissolved in the liquid. However, the high concentration of CO2 can lead to increased acidity, making the beverage excessively tart and potentially affecting its taste and safety.

Disodium hydrogen citrate (C6H6O7Na2) is added to carbonated beverages to control the level of acidity and maintain a consistent pH. It works through a series of chemical reactions that help in stabilizing the drink and preventing excessive acidity. The main scientific principles involved in its mechanism of action are acid-base reactions and buffer systems.

Acid-Base Reactions

Disodium hydrogen citrate is a weak acid salt that can dissociate in water to release hydrogen ions (H+). The chemical equation for this dissociation is:

C6H6O7Na2 → C6H5O7H- + Na+ → H+ + C6H5O7H-

The hydrogen ions released in the solution contribute to its acidity. However, due to the weak nature of citric acid, it does not fully ionize, resulting in a relatively mild acidic effect.

Buffering Action

Disodium hydrogen citrate also acts as a buffering agent. A buffer is a solution that resists changes in pH when an acid or base is added to it. It works by reacting with the added acid or base to neutralize the effect and maintain the pH within a certain range.

In the case of carbonated beverages, the carbon dioxide gas dissolves in the water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), which contributes to the beverage’s acidity. The chemical equation for this reaction is:

CO2 (g) + H2O (l) → H2CO3 (aq)

The carbonic acid (H2CO3) can further dissociate into bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) and hydrogen ions (H+):

H2CO3 (aq) → HCO3- (aq) + H+ (aq)

Disodium hydrogen citrate can react with the excess hydrogen ions to form citric acid, helping to maintain the pH at an acceptable level:

C6H6O7Na2 + H+ (aq) → C6H5O7H- (aq) + Na+ (aq)

By acting as a buffer, disodium hydrogen citrate helps prevent a drastic change in the pH of the beverage when carbon dioxide dissolves, ensuring that the drink remains refreshing and enjoyable without being overly acidic.

What is disodium hydrogen citrate used for?

Acidifying Agent: Disodium Citrate acts as an acidity regulator in carbonated drinks. Its acidic properties help balance the sweetness of the beverage, ensuring that it is not overly sugary and providing a pleasant tartness.

pH Stabilizer: Disodium Citrate helps maintain a stable pH level in the drink. A consistent pH is essential for preserving the taste and preventing the beverage from becoming too acidic or alkaline over time.

Flavor Enhancer: The tangy flavor of Disodium Citrate enhances the overall taste of the carbonated drink. It contributes to the perfect harmony of sweetness and tartness that keeps us coming back for more.

Improved Solubility: Disodium Citrate improves the solubility of flavorings and sweeteners in the drink, allowing them to disperse more evenly. This ensures a well-balanced flavor profile in every sip.

Chelating Agent: Disodium Citrate acts as a chelating agent, which means it can bind to metal ions present in the drink. By chelating these ions, Disodium Citrate helps prevent undesirable reactions that may affect the beverage’s taste or appearance.

Other foods that may contain disodium hydrogen citrate:

Jams and jellies: It helps in setting and preserving the fruit spreads while providing a balanced level of acidity.

Fruit juices: Disodium hydrogen citrate maintains the desired acidity level and helps to prevent flavor degradation during storage.

Salad dressings: It acts as an emulsifier, preventing the separation of oil and water-based ingredients, ensuring a smooth and consistent texture.

Canned fruits and vegetables: Disodium hydrogen citrate acts as a preservative, helping to extend the shelf life of these products.

Soft drinks: It contributes to the fizzy sensation in carbonated beverages and acts as an acidity regulator.

Frozen desserts: It acts as a stabilizer, preventing the formation of ice crystals and ensuring a creamy texture.

Processed meats: Disodium hydrogen citrate acts as a flavor enhancer and helps in preserving the freshness of meat products.

Baked goods: It serves as a leavening agent, helping the dough to rise and creating a light and fluffy texture.

Instant soups and sauces: Disodium hydrogen citrate enhances the taste and acidity of these products, improving their flavor profile.

Canned seafood: It helps to maintain the desired acidity level in canned seafood products.

Pickles and relishes: Disodium hydrogen citrate is used as an acidity regulator and preservative in these products.

Cheese and dairy products: It acts as an emulsifying agent, preventing separation and providing a smooth texture in certain dairy products.

Fruit-based candies: Disodium hydrogen citrate enhances the fruity flavors of these confectioneries.

Sports and energy drinks: It acts as an acidity regulator and flavor enhancer, providing a refreshing taste to these beverages.

It’s important to note that the specific role and concentration of disodium hydrogen citrate may vary depending on the food product and its intended purpose.

Is disodium hydrogen citrate safe?

Yes, the safety of disodium hydrogen citrate has been evaluated by regulatory agencies such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). These agencies have established acceptable daily intake (ADI) levels and maximum use levels for disodium hydrogen citrate in foods to ensure its safe consumption.


The allure of carbonated drinks lies not only in their effervescence but also in the artful combination of flavors and balance between sweetness and tartness. Disodium Citrate, the unsung hero of this delightful experience, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the perfect harmony of flavors in our favorite sodas. As we enjoy the refreshing fizz and delightful taste of carbonated drinks, let us raise a toast to the magic of food science and the wonders of Disodium Citrate that make every sip an unforgettable experience.

Our company sells high quality Disodium Hydrogen Citrate. For more information about Disodium Hydrogen Citrate and procurement consultation, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or via WhatsApp. Harness the power of disodium hydrogen citrate to enhance the taste and flavor of carbonated beverages.