Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate is a crucial ingredient in various food applications due to its multiple functionalities. This blog will provide a comprehensive overview of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate, its benefits, mechanisms, and its applications in the food industry.

Deciphering Calcium Hydrogen Orthophosphate

Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate (CaHPO4), also known as dicalcium phosphate is a white, odorless, tasteless powder that is almost insoluble in water but soluble in acid. It is typically produced by reacting phosphoric acid with calcium carbonate. The reaction results in a slurry of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate, which is then filtered, dried, and milled to produce a fine powder.

Benefits of Calcium Hydrogen Orthophosphate in Food

Leavening Agent

calcium hydrogen orthophosphate One of the primary uses of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate is as a leavening agent in baked goods like cakes, pastries, and bread. A leavening agent is a substance that causes the dough to rise, resulting in a light and fluffy texture.

The mechanism behind this is the release of carbon dioxide gas when calcium hydrogen orthophosphate reacts with acid during the baking process. This release of gas creates bubbles in the dough, causing it to rise and become lighter and airier. The result is a baked product with an improved texture and appearance.

Dough Improver

Another important function of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate is as a dough improver. It helps improve the texture and quality of the dough, making it easier to handle and resulting in a better final product like pizza, noodles, bread…

The mechanism behind this is the strengthening of the gluten network in the dough. Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate helps to improve the elasticity and extensibility of the dough, resulting in a dough that is easier to handle and produces baked goods with a better texture.


Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate also acts as a buffer, helping to control the pH level of the food. This is important for preventing microbial growth and extending the shelf life of the product.

The buffering capacity of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate comes from its ability to absorb or release hydrogen ions, helping to maintain a stable pH level in the food. This helps in preserving the product and extending its shelf life by creating an environment that is not conducive to microbial growth.

Nutritional Supplement

Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate serves as a source of calcium and phosphorus, essential minerals required for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. This makes it a valuable nutritional supplement in various food products such as fortified cereals and protein powder.

When consumed, the body absorbs the calcium and phosphorus from calcium hydrogen orthophosphate. These minerals then contribute to the body’s mineral stores, helping in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth.


It is also used as an emulsifier in food products like ice cream and cold drinks. An emulsifier is a substance that helps in the formation of stable emulsions, improving the texture and mouthfeel of the food.

The emulsifying capacity of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate comes from its ability to reduce the surface tension between oil and water, helping to form stable emulsions. This results in a smoother texture and better mouthfeel in food products.


Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate acts as a stabilizer, preventing the separation of ingredients in dairy products like cheese. This ensures a uniform texture and appearance of the product.

The stabilizing effect of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate comes from its ability to form complexes with other ingredients, helping to stabilize the mixture and prevent separation.

In conclusion, Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate is a versatile food additive that provides several benefits in food production and consumption. Leave a message at [email protected] to obtain COA and TDS of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.