Do you know calcium acetate monohydrate is widely used in various industries due to its unique properties and versatile applications? In this blog let’s explore its significance by understanding the 4 knowledge below.

  • What is Calcium Acetate Monohydrate?
  • What is Calcium Acetate Monohydrate Used For?
  • Is Calcium AcetateMonohydrate Corrosive?
  • Is Calcium AcetateMonohydrate Safe?

Begin with the first question.

What is Calcium Acetate Monohydrate?

Calcium acetate monohydrate is a chemical compound with the formula Ca(CH3COO)2·H2O. It is the hydrated form of calcium acetate, which means it contains one molecule of water per formula unit. This compound is commonly used in various industries due to its unique properties and versatile applications.

For properties please view the table below:

Chemical FormulaCa(CH3COO)2·H2O
Molecular Weight176.18 g/mol
AppearanceWhite, crystalline powder/granules
SolubilityHighly soluble in water
pH LevelSlightly acidic
Density1.59 g/cm³
Melting Point160°C (320°F)
Boiling PointDecomposes before boiling
Hydrate FormMonohydrate
Purity99% or higher
StabilityStable under normal conditions

Let’s continue with the next question.

What is Calcium Acetate Monohydrate Used For?

Food Processing Applications

calcium acetate monohydrateAcidity Regulator: Calcium acetate monohydrate is commonly used as an acidity regulator in food products. It helps to control and adjust the pH levels, enhancing the stability and shelf life of foods.

Related Foods

  • Fruit-based beverages: It helps control the acidity level and enhance flavor balance.
  • Pickles and relishes: It maintains the desired acidity level for preservation and taste.

Firming Agent: In certain food applications, calcium acetate monohydrate acts as a firming agent.

Related Foods

  • Jellies and jams: It provides the desired firmness and structure.
  • Canned fruits: It helps retain fruit texture and prevent excessive softening.

Preservative: Due to its slightly acidic nature, calcium acetate monohydrate can function as a preservative in certain food products. It helps inhibit the growth of microorganisms, extending the shelf life and maintaining the quality of foods.

Related Foods

  • Bakery products: It helps prevent spoilage and maintain freshness.
  • Processed meats: It contributes to inhibiting microbial growth and maintaining quality.

Emulsifier: Calcium acetate monohydrate can act as an emulsifying agent, facilitating the formation and stabilization of emulsions. It aids in creating smooth and consistent textures in food products.

Related Foods

  • Salad dressings and sauces: It helps create a smooth and stable emulsion.
  • Dairy-based products: It contributes to texture and mouthfeel enhancement.

Buffering Agent: As a buffering agent, calcium acetate monohydrate helps maintain and stabilize the pH levels of food systems. It prevents drastic pH changes caused by the addition of acidic or alkaline ingredients, ensuring optimal taste, texture, and appearance.

Related Foods

  • Beverages: It helps control pH fluctuations and maintain product stability.
  • Processed foods: It ensures consistent pH levels for optimal taste and texture.

Source of Calcium: Calcium acetate monohydrate serves as a source of dietary calcium in fortified food products. Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining strong bones and teeth, as well as supporting various physiological functions in the body.

Related Foods

  • Breakfast cereals: It enhances the calcium content for improved nutritional value.
  • Dairy alternatives: It helps fortify plant-based milk substitutes with calcium.

Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications

One of the significant applications of calcium acetate monohydrate is in the pharmaceutical and medical fields. It is widely used as an effective medication for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia, a condition characterized by abnormally high levels of phosphate in the blood. By binding to phosphate in the gastrointestinal tract, calcium acetate monohydrate helps to reduce phosphate absorption, thereby regulating the phosphate levels in the body. This compound is commonly prescribed for patients with chronic kidney disease who require phosphate restriction.

Is Calcium Acetate Monohydrate Corrosive?

Calcium acetate monohydrate is generally not considered corrosive. It is a salt compound derived from acetic acid and calcium carbonate. Calcium acetate monohydrate is typically stable and non-corrosive.

Is Calcium Acetate Monohydrate Safe?

Calcium acetate monohydrate is generally considered safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) when used appropriately and in accordance with recommended guidelines. It is commonly used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, and food, with a well-established safety profile.

Overall, calcium acetate monohydrate is a versatile compound with diverse applications in industries such as food and pharmaceuticals. Its unique properties and safety profile make it invaluable in various applications. And it is generally considered safe when used properly. If you’re interested in calcium acetate monohydrate, please contact us at [email protected], we’re pleased to serve you.